Written by  ,     December 23, 2017     Posted in Announcements, Background, Business, In real life, News, Restaurant

Do you read these blog posts?  And, once again, I’m sorry I’m have not been more regular– maybe I’ll make that my 2nd resolution for 2018.  (I have one so far–to be less of a food snob.  See my next column in Merrimack Valley Magazine. This is the last one. )

So, I’ve been saying this for a couple years now.  There’s a bubble.  My friend Lou doesn’t agree. Stay tuned…

The business climate has restaurants shuttering, with more to come.  Survival of the fittest is as prominent as ever, in a business with an already incredibly high rate of failure.  The creative, the impassioned, the independent will be come less and less represented.  Sad.

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