Why Make Art Now?

Written by  ,     December 7, 2009     Posted in Fun

This will all make sense….

Weeks ago, Kathy and I “refereed” a grueling duel between still married friends of ours, after a couple of cocktails (never a good idea) because…ok..not easy to follow…he only wanted to watch football on Sundays but when he agreed to go to a crafts fair instead on this previous Sunday he didn’t really want to go so therefore it doesn’t count that he went which she didn’t really care if he did or if he didn’t anyway, which made us wonder why the conversation was being had in the 1st place!

(got that?)

Anyway…I skipped the 1PM game yesterday to go to Western Ave. Art Studios (on Western Ave!), I wanted to go, Kathy didn’t care if I did or not (I think she meant it), and the deal was that we limited the visit to two hours so AT LEAST I could see the 4PM game.


#1  Two hours is not enough time to see Westen Ave Studios. (especially when you stop and chat every 15 minutes with former teachers, your hair dresser, the photographer who shoots baby pictures, the photographer who shoots Ireland (and maybe your own babies pictures???), the nice photographers who’s daughter remembers your daughter from… “no”, “nope”, “uh uh, never went to Chelmsford Schools”, “hmmm, maybe that’s it”)
#2  Two hours is PLENTY of time, especially given all the chit chat
#3  Western Ave Studios is pretty badass.  Chat, sure, but there’s ALOT of art to see.
#4  You should SERIOUSLY make a visit, with a pocket full of payment, next weekend, and do some personalized shopping for the Holidays.  There are, like, “miles” of options.  Jewelry, crafts, amazing glass works, ceramics, photos (Lowell, babies, Ireland, etc) and many, many more unique, creative, beautiful, affordable (at all levels, on all floors) created by local, friendly, unique, creative and beautiful working artists.

We suggest taking the giant, mill era elevator to the top (5th) floor, start with the Gargoyles, and make your way across and down, across and down, across and down…

There’s cookies and coffee and cider and cheese and crackers and music and painted floors and a cafe and couches and…a really cool, hand written sign about how to be an artist that shouldn’t be missed.  Its 1/2 way across the 4th flloor.  Or was it the 3rd???
Really.  Stop and read it.

Why Make Art Now is the title of an Art class my daughter Tara is taking in Chicago..which I am still learning the answer to…which I stole for this blog post…because, although the full and in depth answer is way more complex than me, the “now” most recently defined as December 2009, is…people seek to buy gifts at this time of year, and many, many artists seek for your attention, and appreciation and financial support to coincide with that initiative.

A MAJOR win-win, right here in Lowell.  On Western Ave.

Western Ave. Studios



2 Responses

  1. Laura says:

    I second Kristin, and I’m thrilled that you decided to write about us! I hope you and your wife come back, we really enjoyed speaking with you!

  2. Kristin says:

    So glad you had fun at WAS! And that cool poster is, indeed, on the fourth floor. 🙂 (I read it every time I meander down that way.)

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