Written by  ,     April 13, 2015     Posted in Background, Fun


Who knew that apropos to a last post praising my go-to-for-any-mood food, Southeast Asian inspired Pho, my next post would actually be from Siem Reap, Cambodia.  Following (4) conflicted days in Bangkok, Thailand–a place where I thought I had maybe met the most humble, sweet people in the World–surrounded by mad city-traffic, “millions” of steamy tourists, sweaty, lazy dogs, a bajillion street vendors and food-carts and lively sex-show peddlers (Don’t ever say “yes” to a game of Ping-Pong when in Bangkok!), I am now blessed to be amongst another city/country full of smiling, bowing, helpful, humble-but-proud, emerging nation of wonder. I will have to figure out how to separate and compartmentalize all that I could share from the last few days into share-worthy posts, but suffice it to say for now, this;

No matter what ‘you’ hear about the allure of this area of the world: the incredible temples, the vibrant colors, the exotic foods and proliferation of fruit and flowers, the art and origin of meditation and massage–it all takes a back seat to the beauty of the people–as spiritual and peaceful and respectful as any I have ever known.  I’m not sure if in a few days, I will be able to draw a proper conclusion as to the origin of such humility, but I am ‘feeling’ evidence of the apparent power of Buddhist life and influence.

(It was a hoot today, to observe the “pre meal” of the entire hotel staff, as they removed their shoes, sat aside the gardens with bowed heads and incense burning, and listened to four monks chant in harmony.)

Following that occasion, in the dining room after breakfast, our smiling 30 year old waiter (who looked 16!), implored us to stop and visit the Killing Fields Museum “with all the heads” (skulls of those murdered during Pol Pots murderous regime) as, “it will make you cry.”  He further recounted how when he was a young boy, and helicopters flew overhead, his mother would make the family hide under the kitchen table.  Today, the pride of progress, and peace, and growing tourism and foreign empathy, touches his heart.

Tomorrow begins the Cambodian New Year Celebration.  We are blessed to be here!



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