If you woke up this Sunday morning, looked out the window, didn’t love that the forecast was accurate, decided to sit down and read this (“Let’s see what this idiot has to say today”) and still don’t know what you might do with the next few hours on a damp Sunday, I have a suggestion!
Head to downtown Lowell and yell and scream support for the thousands who will be walking in support of Lowell General Hospital’s, like millionth, cancer research initiative. I could go on about how incredible LGH is for days…but more incredible are those teams and folks that walk year in and year out for miles to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight this disease that at some time or another has hurt, maimed or killed a loved one. None of us are safe.
It’s just rain. A warm rain at that. And it may hold off. Think of all the fun you can have “puddle jumping.” Aaah memories of stupid college fun! Bring a water gun and use it. Who will care? Be happy for the dry grass–turn off your sprinkler. And, visit any number of the vendors who donate time and product to feed and hydrate the walkers as they pull into the Tsongas Arena along the river, wet, tired (or not!) and hungry. Go have a hot dog at Cobblestones table where every single year, GM Robin Dupell leads an expert (volunteer) team, whose last name is almost always L’heureux (La Roo?, La Roux?) in rolling those hot dogs on the grill without losing any to the ground, then gingerly places them into thousands of fresh rolls. Thousands. (There will not be relish…it so slows things down!!)
It is a fun time of community, hard work and a great cause. We wouldn’t miss it. We’d love to see you!
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