Written by  ,     June 22, 2010     Posted in Fun, Restaurant, The Lighter Side

When asked this week to join a panel of “experts” to discuss social media, I chuckled inside at the thought of my kids chuckling too (on the outside) if they heard that. I must have been the 4 billionth and one’th person to give in to the Facebook craze. I scoffed at email. “Tweet this” I think I said.

And, ask anyone who sits next to me while I “navigate” technology and they would attest to my “Titanic” difficulty in getting it straight.

Even funnier, as I sat on this mornings panel, hosted by the Greater Merrimack Valley Convention and Visitor’s Bereau and directed by the intelligent, saavy and talented Amy Black (sans Rascals) my amusement continued as other experts discussed the “rules” of blogging and posting. Each time one of these other panelists (great people and very successful I must add) said something like;
You should do this” (in my head I said…hmmm…I don’t do that)
And, you should do that” (hmmm…I don’t do that either)

As usual, in my world, not all the rules apply. (Sorry Mom. Dad. Teacher. Coach. Bosses. Historic commission…)

I digress.

OK; Rule #1…Blog often. Daily even, according to Panelist #1. (I will try harder to post more frequently, at the risk of being boring)

Rule #2. Keep it short. (oops…long winded again. I will try harder to keep it short…)

Rule #3. See rule #2.

Until tomorrow…

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