One of these days, MAYBE, I will start a consulting service. But, seriously, there’s some shit you simply cannot teach.
Here’s a prime example (and I have too many!). A beautiful day at Hampton Beach yesterday, with a dozen vacationing Cobblestones’ employees. (It’s so beautiful how our employees spend their days off–and vacations–together. Maybe that needs to be part of future consultations!)
Ducking waves, and shielding the sun after 6 hours, the obvious next move was steamers and a couple cold beverages. Our head bartender Kim and I headed to Tuna Striker; and you can say what you want about Brown’s and Markey’s, but no one has a better deck in the Seabrook area then Tuna Striker. Here’s the “but”. The server came over and asked if we wanted to drink. Kim opted for a Red Stripe. (which tasted like the cap) Beat, and heading to Moonstones after clams, I asked for an ice coffee.
And I quote; “We don’t have ice coffee.”
A bit dumbfounded, I asked “Is it coffee, or ice, that you don’t have?” (As she had offerred no other explanation)
Her response? “We have a Keurig machine”
My response? “Does it brew coffee, and do you have ice?”
Her response; “Yes, but it will be watered down.” (A valid point)
I ordered coffee, with ice on the side, thought of Clint Eastwood in some old movie trying to get toast, and made iced coffee.
The lobster bisque was really delicious, and the waitress ALMOST smiled when minutes later I complained that the coffee tasted “watered down”.
Lowell Farmer’s Market today. Summer is waning, and time is running out on farm fresh corn, tomatoes, squash and beets! We will be there today stocking up for Moonstones. EVERY SPECIAL; From Gazpacho to Peach Upside Down Cake is sourced from local farms. In case you think that kind of thing is cool. If that doesn’t move you, the flavor surely will. (If not…why are you reading this blog?!)
Two more days of vacation for Cobblestones. We re open Sunday.
Big Bar Star Competition at Moonstones Sunday night! Go to for full details.
Is that the sun? Later…
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