~Having all (3) kids home, from Boston and Chicago, of course.
~ Daughter #3 scoring multiple B’s in school, and enjoying college for the 1st time in awhile.
~ The launch of our family 1st ever “Green Yankee Swap”– encouraging re gifting, and no money spent. Some great gifts…and laughs!
~Watching movies, oops–films–selected by my kids, that dealt with issues of homophobia and the power of music to create peace and harmony, amidst war and opression, in “Afghan Star.” No “My Best Friend’s Wedding” for these girls.
~ Bar Manager Kim Mello’s home made Irish Cream in the coffee on Christmas morning.
~ The generosity of our wine vendors–MS Walker, Horizon and Classic–as we sampled Cabernet, after Grenache-Syrah after Barolo after Malbec…
~ My brother in laws quote regarding the “earthy, leather notes” of Malbec; “Yea…dirt.”
~ My favorite quote of the week, with regard to birth control challenges and outfoxing Mother Nature; “Too great a task”
~ My favorite written quote of the week; “I felt my body rebelling against my intellect, and despite the cruel violence of the day, I longed to kiss her”
~ Daughter #2, progressive and fesisty art student, on Pier One Imports; “What a crock of shit. More like Global Opressors”
~ Daughter #2 again; “Yea, find your BITCH” as she translates Corona commercials’ “Find your beach”
~ My Christmas gift from one manager; A book, including her published story; “
~ Watching miniature cousins enraptured as uncle Johnny kept tabs on Santa’s travel, on his “Santa Tracker App” on his smart phone, warning the kids that they’d have to get home soon.
~ Listening to Uncle Johnny actually explain that contrary to popular belief, Santa travels North to South to North, as the globe turns– “Duh. East to West would make absolutely no sense”
~ Opening my Nook–the hi tech answer to books–and finding it packed in all re cycled, “green” materials. Cool? Weird.
~ Listening to restaurant employee, daughter #1, bemoan how sidework tasks confound the staff–1500 miles away–same shit, different city.
~ The “elders” argument over what chip was best: Royal Feast, Boyd’s, Charles Chips.
~ Watching 4 women, engage in synchronized clean up, as a giant Christmas Eve mess disappeared in no time, and recalling the words of the previous day; “If you want something discussed, ask a man. If you want something done, as a woman” (Or, was it, “Two old broads”)
Happy Holidays to all my girls…and you!
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