Written by  ,     June 14, 2012     Posted in Business, Restaurant

I  am perplexed.

Unemployment is at one of the all time highs.  All the articles and reports you read say graduating college seniors have never been more challenged in finding work.  The restaurant business is now ranked 2nd in terms of GNP (= many, many available jobs).  We should have a PILE of applications, yet we continually ask our stars to work more hours than they ideally want to, because we can’t find enough excellent prospects.

Where are you!?

**If you read this, and you know someone in the business of hospitality–smiling, attentive, ethical, responsible…who might be happier building a career with our group, PLEASE:

 We seek only the best–and those that seek growth and management, as WE seek growth!


One Response

  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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