Written by  ,     March 5, 2013     Posted in Fun, The Lighter Side

Our graduating college senior curated her 1st art show on this past Thursday at The School of the Art Institute, in Chicago.  “Mama” texted me at 11PM the night before, after my two too-many beers with the chef, that she wanted to seize upon Southwest’s offer to fly us there at 6AM, for $99.00.  Surprise!

(“Check please!”)

When we woke at 8AM, (I would have been ready had she stuck to the 6AM foolishness) she suggested we could still make the 10AM.  (yes, she’s crazy like that)  She booked, we booked, and…made the 10AM–after re scheduling an appointment or two! (The Stylos’ must really think I hate the dentist’s chair!)  From the airport, Hotels.com (or was it Samedaybooking.com?) hooked us up!  A room right across the street from the gallery, one block from Midway’s Orange Line.  Too smooth.  (Advance planning is so overrated!)

“Tara” was not expecting us to show up for her opening.  We made it.  Her surprise, and joy was evident..she may have even gotten misty, though it was hard for me to tell through my own.  (“allergies”)

While there, eldest daughter Aislyn joined–she’s the one who has been offerred the GM job at the restaurant that currently pays her bills, but will not accept until the offer is presented on paper, clearly defined–expectations and compensation.  Ha!  “Feisty” my daughters three.  (“Damned allergies”)

Unfortunately, youngest daughter-tigress, Kel-bell, couldn’t join…too busy kicking ass at school–while “holding it down” at The Lowell Boys and Girls Club.

Post show and accolades and flowers and “allergies”, dinner was at Maude’s Whiskey Bar–Perhaps my favorite Chicago restaurant–and that’s no easy choice. You KNOW a restaurant is great when you are excited for the (double) side of lentils! I strongly suggest sending children to college in Chicago, and visiting as frequently as possible.  We may need to open a restaurant there…

Home on Friday, via another 10AM flight–directly to the house to change–then a drive to Springfield, MA, to attend the wake and funeral of Gerry Midghal, the father of my college roommate.  He was 89.  He refused to enter a nursing home… “Over my dead body.”  He passed away two days after entering, providing the strongest possible evidence that when “Bird” (my roommate) stated in his eulogy: “Dad was the kind of man who did what he said he was going to do.”  (I like funerals, simply because you never have to blame allergies)

Though no “Maude’s”, Champions at the Springfield Marriott provided ample backdrop to celebrate old friends and an unplanned reunion thanks to Gerry… albeit “short and sweet.”

Saturday morning, straight to the 10AM funeral, then to the highway.  Lowell General Hospital’s annual fundraisee gala “ball” was at The Lowell Memorial Auditorium, and after many years, Kathy finally convinced me to attend.  We made it on time.  It was a great night for awhile–until the point that 50 or so white (and gray!) “60 somethings” were dancing to “Lady Marmalade” in their tuxedoes and gowns.  Now THAT shit almost brought tears to my eyes…nearly completing a weekend tri-fecta of emotion.

Man oh man.  Take me home and put my ass to bed.

Rumor is, the restaurants both “crushed it” this weekend, and I am told, that the best part?  I wasn’t there. (I couldn’t agree more, though I miss it when I am away)  What a crew I have…I am truly blessed. (Reaching for the Kleenex…)

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