Monday morning, I had to drive back from NYC for a seminar. I woke up late, cursing that I should have just left the night before. The line at Starbucks was long, and I was already pressed for time, and I was annoyed. Then, the cream container was empty. “Are you kidding me right now?”
Because I was starting late, traffic on the FDR was slow–crawling until the 3rd avenue bridge. Everything on the radio sucked that morning.
Why do so many people drive so slowly in the left lane…have a clue people…”fast lane.” Watching a guy tailgate and switch lane to lane, in bumper to bumper to bumper traffic made me want to catch up to him and give him a slap! Smarten up dude.
I arrived in time for the sminar, but the printer was broken–no flyers for the staff to follow along during the seminar. How annoying is technology sometimes? Someone was late–I was annoyed. Someone was texting–I was annoyed. One of the managers re iterated what I had just said, slowing us down, and I was slightly annoyed.
Then, the news came, that bombs had been detonated at The Boston Marathon. And then, that lives and limbs were lost. All at once I was disgusted, saddened, horrified…and embarrassed that I had complained about a single thing all day.
Cream filler-uppers, tailgaters, employees….terrorists. And, victims…Our sympathies are with you all….
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