Written by  ,     October 15, 2013     Posted in Business, On The Web

Some things are impossible to measure.

The most adorable Lowell Sun reporter–a Ms. Hakiro–asked me yesterday, how the government shut down affects business–with the Lowell National Park shuttered.  Of COURSE it costs us business.  Visitors to the city, rangers and goverment workers who eat and drink, or give directions… Any loss of business hurts.  All of us.  

But what about the bigger picture?  How embarrassing is it to be an American right now.  We so mighty–home of the brave–“leader of the free world”, yet our government bickers like little siblings, to the point that one storms to his room and slams her door, while the other sobs and refuses to eat his peas.  Can’t you just picture Democrats and Republicans in the Capital–all of them acting so important–they have assistants, and pressed suits, sharp red ties–they nod and smile at the people on the street feeling like they are rock stars– “I’m so important” and “I serve the public”…But strip away all the phony airs, all the make-up of importance and intelligence, and it’s one great big cat-fight.  Slapping, pulling hair, holding their breath, hands on hips and “Don’t talk to me.  To hell with the employees, to hell with compromise, to hell with reason, to hell with our ever-shrinking international reputation of greatness. 

“We the people” …deserve better.

What a joke.

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