Written by  ,     June 11, 2014     Posted in Uncategorized

One of my three progressive daughters–the one who often expresses her creativity through drawing–drew a male and female form, each on the properly designated bathrooms at moonstones, in time for our opening 6 years ago.  We felt it more creative than, M and F.  Or Lords and Ladies.  Chicos/Chicas, etc.

And just when we think we are “all that”, comes a 12 year old student from Andover with the following eloquent, proper, loving letter…

“Hello, my name is Nadia. I am a 12 year old student who goes to west middle school in Andover. I recently went to moonstones for my big sisters graduation dinner. The food was excellent, our waitress Cheryl was excellent, we had no wait despite the fact that we are a family of 6 and had no reservations. I couldn’t have been more pleased until I had to go to the bathroom, I got lost the first time and found myself next to a door with a big muscly “man arm” on it, I then asked where the ladies room was and was led to it, however the ladies room had a thin, delicate lady, who I believe looked almost like she was a dancer on it. Hmm girl dancer, male body builder… seems a little stereotypical to me? ”

Do you not love this?!  We have maintained an ongoing dialogue with Nadia–The (very) progressive thinking GM (who thinks the female figure presents strength), my (even-more-these-days) progressive daughter (who thinks symbols or words do nothing to abate stereotypical thinking), myself (who loves the dialogue!) and Nadia. Perhaps we will change the doors.  We wait to hear if Nadia can suggest an artistic, non gender-stereotypical, non-confusing representation, more acceptable than illustrations of private parts (which would not actually be  appropriate to some i.e.–trans gender, etc), that would create a proper definition of who “goes” where!

Go ‘head Nadia…

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