Written by  ,     June 27, 2014     Posted in Restaurant

COBBLESTONES Celebrated our 20th anniversary party this past weekend, and it was such a great party! We are very fortunate for the support we have received since reviving this “cursed” property back in 1994, and for so many people who have contributed to our success in that time.

We successfully raised nearly $20,000 for the Boys and Girls Club–our stated goal–while awarding two cruises to a raffle winner and the employee who sold the raffle.  (Congratulations Morgan of moonstones!)

It was great to see 16 members of Chef Ed Zaranski’s family show up for the room dedication in his honor, including his 91 year old Aunt Rose who traveled from New York and his not-quite-that-old Mom, who came from North Carolina.  The ceremony–and day–was filled with great memories, smiles and a tear or two.

The Blues brunch was so good, many people thought we should do it weekly!  We will, perhaps one day, when 20 year stalwart and current GM Robin Dupell develops enough management support so she doesn’t actually have to work it!  (Maybe she will even be able to enjoy the 30 year anniversary party without working at all that day!  Wouldn’t it be nice…)

Someone asked me afterwards, what the highlight of the day was–and there were so very many.  Honestly. But, if I had to pick only one it would be this that stands out-

We lost a dishwasher in the middle of this busy day, another young man who lacked the heart, or integrity to at least tell someone he wasn’t sticking around–that he couldn’t stand the heat in the kitchen.  Amid huge business and dirty pots and pans piling up, one of our younger, feistier waitresses, some how finding idle time, used that time and her ethic to get in that dirty dish room and started powering through the mess–a testimony to the type of team effort it takes to run a restaurant for 20 years–A mere snapshot of the type of beautiful thing that we experience regularly in both of our restaurants.

Managers making it happen, ex staff members showing up to celebrate (or MC!  Thank you Paul!), current staff members competing to raise the most money for our favorite local charity with the best attitudes I could ever ask for, many friends and guests from 20 years ago showing up for the day in support, vendors and friends who contributed mightily, and Mother Nature shining down upon it all!

What a great day, a fitting celebration for an unforgettable 20 years.  Thank you all!


One Response

  1. Amanda Rushton says:

    Congrats to everyone, old an new staff. This is a huge milestone for any restaurant and makes me proud to have been part of it. If I was not stuck in oklahoma you know my resume would be on Robin’s desk. Thank you for the memories and gets to the next 20.

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