Written by  ,     January 7, 2015     Posted in Business, In real life

We took a drive to Manchester NH today to look at a restaurant property being developed by ESPN.  Lots of interesting potential for sure.  The space will be beautiful.  It was interesting to see the differences, beyond the similarities, between that riverside city vs Lowell.   It’s bigger, for sure.  But, old brick mills line the river and surrounding streets, just like Lowell.  The streets are much wider, and I suppose by that virtue, seemingly brighter.  We loved that Elm (Main) St. was lined with brick sidewalks, restaurants and shops. There were no empty storefronts that we saw.  Also, lots of sandwich boards and lights and windows dressed with attractive product.  A very lively environment no doubt affected just slightly by the single-digits windchill that was whipping today..  The biggest difference noted today beyond all of the corporate representation (buildings filled with people with disposable income!) was the lighted schedule board at The Verizon Center loaded with upcoming events.  Big name bands and shows–aplenty.  According to the realtor, on average, Manchester sports an event every three days.  The numbers we saw today make Manchester look quite vibrant.  Funny, I never go past the airport exit!

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