Written by  ,     February 7, 2015     Posted in Business, In real life

Through the years, the only time Peter Doyle from Lowell Provision ever called my cell phone is when we owed them money.  It wasn’t often and always cordial.  I would say, “C’mon Pete, we have been paying you for 10 years…the check is coming”  Then it was, “C’mon Pete…15 years…”  He would always say the same thing:  “If everyone is late, I can’t pay MY suppliers and that’s not good.”  (Because then no one gets steak!)  Peter taught me a few things through the years.  He also pissed me off once or twice!  🙂

20 years ago, Lowell Provisions sirloin was listed on our menu as “Hand Cut from Lowell Provision.”  Their steaks were the best.  As was their Steak Tips, and their hamburger.  We loved supporting the local guy and loved representing excellence on our menu.  Through the years, Peter and I didn’t always agree on things–and the last few years, others from outside of Lowell were able to provide product as good–with competitive service and pricing.  Meanwhile, Peter’s family business grew and they opened a brand new store opposite the Lowell Cinemas, The Alpine Butcher.

I was surprised when this last call was not about accounts dragging, but rather, after 102 years in business, Lowell Provision was shutting their doors.  The constant battle to do retail business in Lowell, compounded by ever increasing expenses due to ever increasing legislation, added to the crazy beef prices plus less people buying beef plus competition from large corporations who figured out how to be better than the local guy…all led to a very hard decision I am sure.  The suppliers squeezing him for shorter terms was the final nail.  Or maybe, those 102 years!  I’m tired just thinking about that.  (FYI, Peter is not 102)

We wish Peter and his family great health and fortune in their Chelmsford store and in life.  They are fine people who enjoyed many, many years of hard earned success in an area of Lowell that is surely not economically strong.  And the beat goes on…


2 Responses

  1. Fred Gefteas says:

    Could not have been said any better! Peter Doyle and Lowell Provision were always top notch, and that is why we bought all our provisions from them, and gained a very rewarding relationship, which still continues. Believe me, I understand exactly the family’s reason, and wish them all the best in the world!. Take it from another successful family business who has been through significant changes over the years.
    Fred Gefteas, former co owner Skip’s Restaurant.

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