Written by  ,     October 15, 2015     Posted in Background, Business, Fun, In real life, On The Web, Restaurant

For the 21+ years we have done business in Lowell, we/I have oft gotten exhausted from all the up and down!

It’s kind of like an amped up priest in a zealous day in church–stand up, sit down, stand up–sing, shake hands, sit down…etc.  And also with you, Amen and Hallelujah!

Lowell is good for creating a moment to cheer…”YAY, a great marketing slogan”, and, the follow up, shake your head in disbelief, “Whaaat?  Someone threw a puppy from a car?” (Or, “What, another kid died from a heroin overdose?”) or (“What, there is racism in our high school, and someone tried to cover it up?”) or (“A gay person was bludgeoned walking home.”) or…. (“Blah blah blah gang violence…”

“Awww…Centro is closing”  “Yay!  A fried chicken wing shop is opening!”

“Awww…La Boniche is closing”  “Yay! A new sub shop is opening!”

Lately, it actually feels a little bit like there are more positive steps than steps backwards.  And many people get credit for that, but of course, no one more than the University of Massachusetts–new buildings, new street lights, new fresh, shiny, walking and bike riding and skateboarding faces adding vibrancy and color to our streets!  (“Yay, to color and vibrancy!”)

Oh, and…”Yay, Divison 1 Hockey!”

But, in a very big, and significant “Awww…” for the community at large…Couldn’t someone figure out how to keep the Lowell Memorial Auditorium vibrant and filled with activity?!  Lowell used to have so many great shows and concerts and, thanks to the National Park, that tradition continues in Summertime, but, where have you gone, Van Morrison.  And BB King.  And Ray Romano.  And Audioslave.  And Seeeetherrrrr!  And Bette Midler.  And  Bruuuuce!  And Howie Mandel.  And Bill Cosby.  (Sorry, we didn’t know.  He was funny at the time.)  And The Rock.  And Jessica Simpson.  And Serena Williams.  And  Curling.  (That’s right, Curling.  Don’t laugh.)  And…Drop Kick Murphys. (You rock!)

So many shows and stars to Lowell Massachusetts in the past to add credibility, visits, POSITIVE publicity, and cash flow to our city.  Wha’ happened?  Who forgot about that piece?

We (really) miss you Tom, Leo, Terry, Tina, Pete…

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