I lay me head down almost every night hoping to get that “magic,” essential, and generally-elusive minimum six hours of sleep. Inevitably, with rare exception, I fall short. And, just about always because the waking thoughts in my head are flowing in a non stop stream (river) of barely-below-the-surface consciousness. “It came to me in my sleep” ? I am living, tossing and turning proof!
Many days, for one reason or another, that river rages.
Like today….
Our ‘glass 1/2 empty’ axiom led to my ‘need-don’t need’ training model, led to thoughts of memorable slap in the head (hear me shef), led to my actual vs theoretical career defining concept.
The river continued. It flowed to not having all the answers and humility-bolstering leadership, Elkin Mcallum’s memorable quote, the importance of “do me a favor” and “please” in creating meaningful and long-lasting cooperation in others, to the noise in Cobblestones kitchen (and my head.) It sort of ended (temporarily) with the need for hyper focus, the nurture vs nature nature of things and its relation to hunting down results while striving for perfection. Can killer-instinct be taught. Or is it prone to the sleepless and the haunted?
And back to actual vs theoretical. Heading for the coffee pot, to keep that rush going–riding that river–all oars in the water….
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