Written by  ,     April 5, 2016     Posted in Background, Business, In real life, Restaurant

The night before Easter I was miserable while boarding a plane for home after visiting my in laws in Naples Florida.  The flight had been delayed two hours, so arriving at Logan at 2:30am, and with nearly 1,000 reservations between our two restaurants, my forecast was a daunting and dim loss of more than 30 degrees in temperature and just 3 hours asleep for the night.  Of course, leaving the bright March sun of Florida is enough to dampen ones spirits, maybe even make a guy see the glass as half-empty.  I started dreading some of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol–ongoing negotiations and resistance, ongoing repairs, staff who struggle mightily to “see” the way to better, turnover-no shows-cell phones, the day to day bullshit that can slow a brother’s roll.  Mama said there’d be days like this.

I woke up dog-tired, but feeling a little less pitiful.  (Truly, I have no real right.)  And then, as I have for 22 years, I showed up at Cobblestones ’round 8am, and, not so unlike that shiny and bright Florida sunny day, a staff of many, most who also likely slept less than they would have liked, brightened my world immeasurably!  They caffeinated, chatted, smiled and laughed, set up, snacked, sang, hugged, teased, joked, polished, filled and prepared for the next 10 hours of onslaught with great enthusiasm and spirit, led by two managers who share over 30 years of Stones-style preparation and guidance for such days, and two chefs who share, maybe a year between them….and I remembered how lame I was the night before, and how fortunate I am, always.  It was an amazing day–thanks to a building full of commitment, spirit and expertise.


I/we are fortunate to have two dedicated, hard core GM’s, though at times, so different in their angle.  Though both believe that things should be right, that procedures should be followed, one of these tenacious ladies is by and large, a task master–she tows a hard line, and rightfully so because so often, that line is necessary for a work force that can often go astray, and with them, standards.  Standards gets you to 22 years in an economically challenged city, in this business.  The other top woman, is wont to remind me that, the morale and artistic sole of the great many that so greatly enrich our environment are by nature, driven by a non conformist and expressive skew.  Therefore, she maintains, we should always consider what battles to wage and upon what behaviors* we should occasionally “look the other way.”         *With that said, she recently showed the courage to dismiss a veteran server, a favorite of guests, and a top sales person, because he repeatedly disrespects his team and the environment.  Her tolerance, and benefit of the doubt, has limits. Going on 9 years and counting….


Our incredible seasoned and experienced Operations Director–The guy I pay to teach/train/expose the managers to a wider and better perspective , and thereby build the whole organization better, on behalf of all of our futures, quoted recently; “Wisdom is the art of knowing what to overlook.”  When he said it, both me and the super-smart and growth oriented executive chef reached for a pen to write it down!

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