Written by  ,     June 20, 2018     Posted in Uncategorized

My day began at the monthly Boys and Girls Club Board of Director’s meeting brainstorming pretty much the same thing we are always brainstorming—how to raise more money, to offer more resources, to feed and nurture and educate and show a better path to more children born onto the bottom of a steep, uphill climb, in our endless goal of ending generational poverty.  If not now, when?  If not us, who?

Both a sad and hopeful way to begin the day.

Then on to COBBLESTONES, where hope was dashed as numerous folks spent too many hours (And I too much money) on trying to revive a 30 year old Taylor soft serve ice cream machine—“The Cadillac” according to the previous owner, who convinced me to take it from the current owner, who was all to happy to unload it on me (so much so that HE paid to have it shipped to our patio!)  New electrical, new water feed, one dead compressor, new (obsolete) freon, sanitizer…and it churned and churned, got cold, but never froze.

My visions of “twist” ice cream cones all summer long, and “make your own sundae” promotions for our patio guests are all but dead.  Me and ice cream promotions–NOT a good history there…

Hope was restored soon after, as our new Chef at Cobblestones—the one we hope will end an 18 month string of chef debacle—one incompetent after another—pulled his “fatigue” style B-Sox hat down over his eyes, slipped on his crocs, stood tall from his new desk and left the office to do battle.  Good luck Soren, and us.  Fingers crossed.

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