Written by  ,     January 17, 2020     Posted in Announcements, Background, Business, Friendship, Fun, In real life

OK, so, that might be a stretch, taken out of context. And, for regular readers you could legit call me out for posting last week that “Good people” is our rule #1. You wouldn’t be wrong. I suppose…is it possible to have, like, numerous Rule #1’s?

The golden rule, love thy neighbor, teach your children well, stay out of jail… All worthy of #1 consideration in the life category.

But in restaurant life, in 2020, in the world according to SPlath…Let’s have more fun. Let’s lighten the mood people.

If you read my last column in the beautiful Merrimack Valley MagazineMerrimack Valley MagazineMerrimack Valley Magazine… Fun. And some foreshadowing. Because, well, who doesn’t think that foreshadowing is fun.

Here’s the thing, and you may have heard. We have a new restaurant coming. (We won’t be filleting fish, tableside, ever, fyi. Read the column and that will make sense. Jenga? Just maybe.)

We are excited to bring a new brand of Stones to the market. A social environment, a lighter vibe, smaller, less time, less money, quicker… But no less delicious or hospitable, and maybe, no definitely, a bit more hip. You know…if Cobblestones and moonstones had a baby.

Stay tuned for ALL the deets in the weeks to come as we finish putting the “music to the lyrics”…as we ready to embrace the Nashua community. So far, we are already feeling the love.

We can’t wait.

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