Written by  ,     November 15, 2019     Posted in Background, Business, Fun, In real life, Restaurant, The Lighter Side

We’ve been exploring the fun of the hospitality business of late. Like most “studies”, it Is not without purpose–one that will present in the not so distant future. And for those readers of my column in Merrimack Valley Magazine, it will be the subject of the next issue, in 2020.

“Fun”, as it relates to things beyond, or perhaps in addition to, drinks with friends, celebrations, great food and hospitality. Please read the column.

Along the way we’ve decided to begin experimenting with various components of our research.

Take the olive-oil and salted crispy hot-peppers that now reside on the bars at moonstones.

Inspired by a night of “9 holes” in New York City’s East Village with my nutty brother, which eventually culminated in a tiny Bodega on Avenue B–blocks from his apartment.

Locally known for their only hot food selection–burritos–served from atop the front desk, surrounded by shelves of bodega-appropriate sundries (Think Pampers, cereals, a glowing glass wall of assorted cold beverages), we near-stumbled in, ordered one each, the chicken and a goat, and took a our seats at one of the three tiny tables in the back–conveniently located within an arm’s length of two Modelos! Game on.

Be warned...

Be warned…

As we set to chow down as a final footnote to the night’s morning, we noticed the jar of crispy peppers-in-salt on the table, teasing us. We took the dare, and promptly chomped a pepper each. Mistake, or, lifelong memory?

For the next hour, we simultaneously sipped our beer, sweated, cried, ate burritos, hiccuped, complained and laughed, and at times wiped and each other’s runny noses before finally and ultimately swaying the two blocks home, arm in arm, singing a Madonna medley. Loudly, as I recall. The streets were busy–per usual on a weekend night in the East Village–but if anybody noticed, we didn’t notice them.

A blissful, memorable, surprise and “delight” moment, thanks to love, whisky, and the roasted De Arbol peppers we now share with you!

Be warned. And enjoy, if you dare…

**And, if you have any restaurant-related fun memories, and-or ideas to share, we’d love to hear! Please comment at will!



One Response

  1. Dave says:

    Ya know
    I always felt it was silly- even as a kid- I thought ‘why? The mess, the clean up?’ But throwing your peanut shells on the ground round floor was always a thrill, fun and novelty…
    Could this be replicated in another fun way?

    Or Maryland crabs- something about brown paper, wooden mallet and a pitcher of beer only … and of course a bucket of crabs dumped on your table… fun.

    Also the hole in the middle of the table garbage.

    Szechuan table cooking with the pranks ‘egg roll’ and jokes and great fresh food cooked and sometimes ‘tossed’ onto your plate…love

    And the Thai restaurants that bring your meat raw and you cook it yourself on tiny grills at your table

    Even the table side making of guacamole at mamma Mexico or prepping of the Peking duck at … umm… Peking duck

    These all standout to me.
    And there is a common thread of in one way shape or form ‘customer participation’ makes it fun.

    Lastly the secret exclusive novelty of Please don’t tell.. (telephone booth secret entry) or Death and Company…

    Where they are booked 100% within minutes of opening the reservation lines…
    Makes That fun as well- getting ‘in’ where most can’t is for some reason cool and fun

    Good luck!!!
    Nutter brother

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