Written by  ,     January 6, 2020     Posted in Announcements, Background, Business, Fun, Restaurant, Uncategorized

So, my last post and a January 1 “new Stones” teaser got me admonished by our Director of Marketing. (Not so much that I had to sleep on the couch or anything, but the blowback was swift and relentless! Just sayin’).

Her: “Wait for the plan.”
Me: “Waiting is not my bag babe.”
(Said in an annoying British accent mimicking Austin Powers) .

It’s now January 6th, nearly one week later, and I (think!) I am now allowed to tell you this, and only this:

The good people of Stones Hospitality Group are launching a brand new, new brand of Stones to Nashua NH in the months to come. (If you don’t feel like reading/scrolling through the politics of the Lowell Sun’s Sunday Column, I’ve pasted the Stones part below!)

I’d like to tell you the name. Show you the logo work. Fill you in on the angle. And the inspiration. Show you the design components. And the artwork. Tell you why we chose this particular spot. I want to share with you the menu (thus far) and the music and the monkeys (there will be monkeys). But, I’ll wait. I WILL tell you this… It’s the same. Same as in, great food, hospitality, a commitment to guest and community. And, as always with our restaurants, our success will be driven by “Good people.” Always #1, good people.

And this. #Morefunin2020

Stay tuned!

From the Lowell Sun Sunday Column
(Thank you Chris Scott!)

WORD HAS it the Plaths ( of Cobblestones and Moonstones) are planning a new location in Nashua, according to a recent announcement to employees.

More details will emerge in the coming months, but Scott and Kathy Plath hope to open the new location on or about April 2020.

The new location has been simmering in Scott’s mind and in multiple iterations for more than five years now – as he and Kathy looked for a concept to offset the many challenges facing the restaurant industry. Located on Route 101/Amherst Street the busiest thoroughfare in New Hampshire, the new concept will offer fine- casual fare in a smaller, hip environment – casual service with elevated comfort fare.

The restaurant duo plans on building upon the reputation which has sustained them over a combined 36 years – one of excellent quality food, hospitality, and a commitment to community and team.

Rumors had been circulating the Plath’s may think about moving Cobblestones due to the uncertainty and scope of the downtown Lowell High School project, however they have assured The Column that this new restaurant will not be replacing either one of their two existing thriving locations, Cobblestones or Moonstones, in Chelmsford.


5 Responses

  1. patrick donald Hoard says:

    That is good news. I have even better news for you. I do steel and misc. metals so if you need any fo this project I will swap out the labor and material for gift cards? How cool Is that and I am only 20 minutes from 101a!!

    Superior Steel in Brookline NH if you want to look us up. I do not worry about my webpage since I have been in business for nearly 30 years and most of my work is from repeat customers who like our quality.

    So here is the chance to get any steel or misc metals like rails or ladders or stairs done for gift cards!

  2. Michael Conway says:

    Congratulations Scot and Kathy. Always a quality product and people. Best wishes on the new project.

  3. Joseph says:

    I am happy to hear you are opening for business after COVID. We’ve been regulars like about every other week for years! Sad to say, your angel fund concept (adding additional 7.5% to the bill) due to “wage disparities in the industry” puts us off. Well who did the wage disparity? Gee—you, Scott and Kathy the owners! You underpaid and you want me to pay your workers back??? I’m in healthcare and my work takes me in and out of hot zones, nursing homes, and I’ll people every day. So do I get a discount? No I don’t want one. Sad you create a supposed social remedy when you’re just trying to tag your customers for another 7.5%. Very poor taste.

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